Barrington Recreation Department
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Don't Trash Barrington

Don't Trash Barrington is a litter collection club that promotes litter-free roadways in our community. The group meets for one hour, once per month, typically on the second Saturday from 9:30 AM- 10:30 AM. We depart from various locations in Barrington. Litter grabber tools, safety vests and bags are provided. It’s a great way to get outdoors, meet new friends and benefit the community we share. All walks will be held from 9:30-10:30am!

2023 Meeting Locations
January 14 - Greater Barrington Chamber of Commerce
February 11 - Barrington Police/Fire Station
March 11 - BYA Fields
April 8 - Stonehouse Pond
May 13 - Venture Powersports
June 10 - Golick's Dairy Bar
July 8 - BeFree Community Church
August 12 - Tree Farm 128 France Road
September 9 - Camp Fireside
October 14 - Journey Church
November 11 - Nippo Lake Golf Course
December 9 - Barrington Recreation Department