Barrington Parks & Recreation proudly oversees Project GROW, a community garden initiative. Our thriving garden is nurtured by dedicated volunteers and youth in our programs. All produce harvested is donated to the Barrington Community Food Pantry, providing fresh, homegrown, food options to local families in need.
Looking to get involved? Email us at
Help our garden grow...become a sponsor!
Seedling Supporter- $50
- Company name included on Project GROW webpage for the remainder of the year.
- Company name included in the end of year "thank you to our sponsors" social media post.
Pollinator Pal- $100
- Company name included on Project GROW webpage for the remainder of the year.
- Company name and/or logo included in the end of year "thank you to our sponsors" social media post.
- Company name and/or logo posted on signage for one (1) garden season at the community garden.
Harvest Hero- $150
- Company name and/or logo included on Project GROW webpage with direct link to your business.
- Company name and/or logo included on social media posts pertaining to garden updates and end of season "thank you to our sponsors" social media post.
- Company name and/or logo posted on signage for the remainder of the year at the community garden.
Community Cultivator (8 Available)- $200
- Company name and/or logo included on Project GROW webpage with direct link to your business.
- Company name and/or logo included on social media posts pertaining to garden updates and end of season "thank you to our sponsors" social media post.
- Company name engraved on a plaque and displayed on a garden bed.
"In Loving Memory" Plaques (8Available)- $150
Commemorate cherished individuals who have left an unfading mark on our Barrington community. Whether they were a dedicated volunteer, passionate gardener, or supporter of community enrichment, their legacy will forever bloom in the heart of Barrington.
Honor their memory with an engraved plaque to be displayed in our community garden for years to come, while contributing to Project GROW.